
初中英语作文:不为人知的故事 The Unknown Story

在学习、工作或生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编精心整理的`初中英语作文:不为人知的故事 The Unknown Story,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

初中英语作文:不为人知的故事 The Unknown Story

Recently, a story was spending among students. It was said that there was a thief stealing things at night. Then the next day, another rumor spread that it was the student who studied at this school. So everybody started to analyse the rumor and some students became the suspects. When these students passed by, other students stared at them and whispered. Finally, the truth came out, nobody stole things, just the cat. The rumor almost destroyed some people. They did nothing but had to bear the rumor. As the stand-by, it is better not to discuss the unknown story, because we know nothing. Rumor could ruin a person, so don’t do the guilty thing.
